James Comey PLEASE Have FBI Bust Mitt Romney for Hypocrisy & Get Him to Pay for My Apple His Allies HACKED: He's Bashing Trump & I'm Gonna Make "that" Backfire. Sharyn Bovat (Me) WasTold to EXPOSE (Once Again Mitt's Iranian Investments). Leslie Caldwell KNOWS About This, I Think "Her Minions Tell Her to Pretend to Be Busy When Were in the Same Room - Guess She's Tired of Being Lobbied for Indictments? FYI, Treasury Lawyers Want Romney "Taken Down".... How Come Romney & His Son Tagg Profited from a Nation on the Terrorist Watch List & the Feds & Mainstream Media Ignored It? Guess it Was Eric Holder's Fault BUT Luckily He's Gone & I was Told Loretta Lynch Thinks NOBODIES Above the Law.

Clarification*** MITT ROMNEY Does Business with IRAN ...

Aug 5, 2013 - Clarification*** MITT ROMNEY Does Business with IRAN Via His Haslam Connections. .... Sharyn Bovat (@sharynbovat) March 20, 2014 ...
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