Begin forwarded message:
From: Sharyn Bovat <>
Subject: Whistleblower Mar Jo Pullen-Hughes mentioned in wikileaks leaked Stratfor email called me & spoke to me for almost 3 hours & she said Trump not fit to serve & would NOT serve.... Her Issues have been IGNORED by the Inspector Generals
Date: December 18, 2016 at 9:25:35 AM EST
To:, DANIEPM5 <>, Michael Dorris <>, Michael Reyes <>,,,,, maryJo pullen-hughes <>, "" <>
You may also note that I have had direct telephone contact the Eric Holder and forwarded him an email through his confidential assistant in 2009. The "culture of corruption" is not limited to one or two agencies but many and numerous individuals that I have contacted in over 26 years of work that is documented below and on my LinkedIn page. I filed the work below with the DOJ/IG earlier this year.
I want to say Mary Jo Pullen said she didn’t want Trump assassinated BUT that people would do something to make sure he didn’t serve. She called me after i connected with her on linked in & she’s a smart lady who says she’s connected to General Flynn. BUT i then did some research & she’s NOT directly connected to the General.
I would hope people contact her and treat her with respect. Her issues need to be investigate and she needs answers to her questions.
A few years ago I made a promise to an FBI agent that “if” every heard any type of threat i MUST report it.
****President Ford told me in 1992 Knowledge is Power the DOD sent a lawyer to Oregon to have a local prosecutor prosecute Mary Jo her for the SAME Charge i was prosecutor for in the SAME YEAR i was- i think that needs to be investigated.
Thank you
Sharyn Bovat
Feb 28, 2010 - So she called the home of U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. ... But Mary Jo Pullen-Hughes, who estimates she has made about 75,000 phone calls to public officials, bureaucrats and journalists over the last two decades, isn't easily discouraged. ... But to be guilty of telephonic ...
Mar 25, 2013 - Stratfor e-mails released by WikiLeaks regarding 9-11, the Iraq invasion and other events include the name Mary Jo Pullen Hughes, who was being tried for telephone harassment due to the volume of her phone calls to high-level American officials. ... This is John Robles, I’m speaking ...
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 12/17/16
Feb 27, 2007 - I've Googled her name ( Mary Jo Pullen-Hughes) and come up with some info. I guess she is a spook, but that is for you to determine. On the ...
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 12/17/16
Sep 14, 2012 - In the e-mails Ms. Pullen Hughes speaks openly about a US invasion of ... E- Mails from Mary Jo Pullen Hughes regarding this article.
Begin forwarded message:
Subject: Re: For Kellyanne Conway
Date: December 17, 2016 at 8:16:02 PM EST
Wow !!!!
Sent from my iPhone
You may find this of interest.
Best regards,
Mary Jo Pullen-Hughes
Mr. Coburn,
My first contact with James F. Tomsheck was in Vancouver, BC, Canada, at the Murray Hotel the end of December 1997, in the company of Pat Powell who was with RCMP Threat Assessment (currently Sergeant Pat Powell, RCMP Threat Assessment Expert (Ret'd)). He gave me his business card (still in my possession) that identified him as the Resident Agent in Charge, Assistant Secret Service Attache, direct line number 604-689-3179. I called that number today and spoke with the current Secret Service Agent who remembered working with Mr. Tomsheck. Prior to this meeting, I had a telephone call for approximately 25 minutes on November 23, 1997, with Larry L. Cockell, head of the presidential protective detail for President Clinton. President Clinton was in Vancouver, BC, Canada, for the APEC 1997 (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) meeting. I had spoken with Mr. Cockell when I had previously been in Washington, DC. We had a mutual acquaintance in Horace Coleman who worked with Mr. Cockell at the DC offices of the Secret Service. At the end of telephone call with Mr. Cockell, he said he would make some calls but things would be uncomfortable for me. During our telephone call I informed Mr. Cockell that I was in Canada pursuing a political asylum claim and had a Canadian attorney representing me. Prior to the telephone call with Mr. Cockell, I had contacted RCMP Threat Assessment and had made myself know to Pat Powell. Sergeant Powell had total knowledge why I was in Canada and the issue being used pursued in my claim. Sergeant Powell and I had several cordial business calls after this meeting where she indicated her displeasure with Mr. Tomsheck's actions concerning me and her having to be involved.
When meeting Mr. Tomsheck, I assumed it was a friendly visit until he asked if he could take my photograph and would I sign a release for any and all psychiatric/psychological records relating to me in the United States. I said "no" to both requests and informed him, witnessed by Sergeant Powell, that I was pursuing a political asylum claim, had a Canadian attorney representing and would provide the number of my attorney for him to contact. The meeting was then terminated.
In November 1999, I flew from San Diego, CA to Washington, DC, meeting with Dan Goure at CSIS who accompanied me to the senate office of Senator Jeff Bingman, NM, to meet with two of his staff, Wayne Glass and Dana Krupa, to discuss work from my work to date regarding a retrieval of living American POWs from southeast Asia in approximately 1984-85 from the Vietnam conflict. Upon my return to San Diego, I called Mr. Tomshek in Vancouver, BC, Canada, to let him know I had been in DC. Shortly after that call I had a visit from the Secret Service attached to the San Diego office.
I also know Mr. Tomsheck was in contact with the head of the Portland, OR, office, Ron Wampole regarding work I was continuing to pursue in into 2000-2001 before I moved back to DC in July 2001.
With the resignation of Julia Pierson, Director Secret Service, today and the "culture of corruption" within the organization beginning to be cleaned up, Mr. Tomsheck is known to have acted inappropriately in his various positions within the Secret Service. That knowledge most certainly would have followed him to his position as internal affairs chief for Customs and Border Protections.
You may also note that I have had direct telephone contact the Eric Holder and forwarded him an email through his confidential assistant in 2009. The "culture of corruption" is not limited to one or two agencies but many and numerous individuals that I have contacted in over 26 years of work that is documented below and on my LinkedIn page. I filed the work below with the DOJ/IG earlier this year.
I look forward to speaking with you and your associate tomorrow.
Best regards,
Mary Jo Pullen-Hughes
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