FINALLY a Great Policy Announcement by Donald Trump: NOT allowing top staffers & their spouses to accept large speaking fees is a a step in the "right" direction, although it might stop Newt & Callista from being part of the administration. Yet this is the type of rhetoric "helps" the GOP and those down on the ballot:):)

EVERY-TIME Trump gets attacked on tax returns he needs to POUNCE on Hillary for NOT releasing her Wall Street speech transcripts. 

The Latest: Trump says he'll restrict speaking fees

U.S. News & World Report-15 hours ago
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gestures during a campaign stop at the Milwaukee County War Memorial Center in ...
Trump Proposes Banning Speaking Fees for Officials' Spouses Blog-Wall Street Journal (blog)-

Americans are "sick & tired" of hearing about Trumps taxes- he should get them out or as i said in this blog post keep asking Clinton to release her Wall Street speech transcripts  

Great news about adding Kellyanne - she's talented & Trump needs help with attracting women (has nothing to do with hand size:):) A small percentage of my Purple State-Moderate Voter Focus Group (the women) are defecting to Clinton or leaning to NOT voting.  Everyone in focus group is a serial (regular) voter & for them to say they don't want to vote shows they "highly" dislike BOTH candidates.

8 hours ago
