Senator McConnell QUIT Bashing President Elect Trump on the Russian Hacking Narrative. iGot Proof the MSM Knows the Evidence that Russia Did the Hacking Was Provided By the DNC ... I Know YOUR Close Allies Have STRONG Ties to Clinton Foundation Donors & Some of THEM Have Strong Ties to Putin. ... The WEB of Lies is Getting Exposed.....

The NEW AG is gonna stand up to the corrupt GOP establishment: I think that's why some want him to not get the position.  I asked Senator Shelby about 2 dead Export Import employees, both young were seen healthy the wednesday before MLK weekend 2015. They died in unrelated incidents. BOTH connected to ExIm loans linked to the Clinton Foundation (one Russia).  Clinton HELPED Putin when she was Secretary of State & when she ran for president "ethical" minions died.

Here's me asking Senator Shelby a question... i did follow up with his staff & I was told his opposition to the Export Import bank intensified after he learned of the cover-up.....  i did learn the FBI has wire tapped ppl linked to the deaths of the two bankers... someday I hope JUSTICE is served.

This blog p

While i was bullied by the judicial system.... companies that got 2010 green stimulus read my blogs.... coincidence? 
