
James Comey (FBI), Jeff Sessions (DOJ), Mike Pompeo (CIA), Dan Coats (Why aren't you confirmed). This Is Sharyn Bovat the DOD Whitstleblower & I Want My Hacker Back Before My Birthday... The ****ing CIA Made Mike Reyes of Verizon Break Up With Me a Few Weeks BEFORE Christmas Just to Protect Mike Morell's Stupid Russia Hacked the Election Narrative... Please It's NOT Easy for a Woman in Her 50's to Find a Decent Guy:):)

Obamacare is a Form of Car Wreck Let's "Total" it Out....

The Mad Moderates That Voted Trump OVER Clinton Think Congress is Taking "Easy Way Out" in Reference to Obamacare IT'S NOT a REPLACEMENT .... Not Satisfied with What They See.... NO Major Reform Just Minor Tweaks & ReBranding