
Voice of a Moderate to Encourage Federal Studies on PTSD & Marijuana After Pre GOP Debate Pot Trip. Sharyn Bovat Learned that Responsible Use of Cannabis Helped Her PTSD

The Mainstream Media Keeps Bullying Susan Curlee & I Was Told By a Reporter It's Because of Her Ties to the Koch Brothers. Susan Curlee is NOT a Billionaire She's a Middle Class Mom Who Believes America Needs to Change & She's Promoting Ethics In Government. Why Does the Tennessean Report on one of Susan Curlee's Tweets & NOT about the Fraud & Corruption Happening in Tennessee?

James Comey I Need the FBI to Look at This: The DOD Whistleblower Allegers Ex House Intel Chairman Mike Rogers Had High Lever Staffer "Flirt Text" Her After She Exposed State Department Inspector Generals Office Working on Benghazi Issues Was Compromised.

Congressman Peter Roskam are YOU Telling James Comey That I want Bradley Podliska the "Self Proclaimed" Benghazi Whistleblower Told to Me by His Lawyer Joe Napiltonia His Lead Lawyer for His Lawsuit He Wants to File to Help Hillary Clinton Escape Tough Questions By Trey Gowdy ( Bradley Podliska Wasn't Even in Libya & I Don't Think He's a Real Whistleblower & I Know Whistleblower's Cause I'm a Whistleblower I'm the DOD Whistleblower, The NISSAN Whistleblower & the Lockerbie Bombing Whistleblower). Anyway Please Investigate the Allegations By Bradly Podliska